Monday, June 20, 2011

Week of June 20th

This week, I want you to continue with last week's assignments and then we are also going to just add Chapter 4 of Excel.  Hopefully, this will give you time to catch up if you need to.  Summer classes can be overwhelming..even for the instructor!  Please call or text me at 620 629 0610 if you have asked a question and I don't get it answered.  I look through my emails on my phone and flag the ones from my students assuming its an assignment you are submitting only to find out a week later you had a question.  So in other words, feel free to bug me if I don't get your questions answered.

Excel Chapter 4 - Adding Charts and Analyzing Data

  • Complete pages EX-115 through EX - 140.
  • Complete the Skills Review 4.1.  Email me your completed file.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13 through Friday, June 17th

At this time we are going to skip chapters 4 and 5 of Word and move on to Excel.

Also, I'm testing out a new free online gradebook called Engrade.  I will have you logins and passwords set up this week and email them to you.  This way you can go online to that site and see what assignments I have graded for you.  All assignments will be worth a certain number of points and basically I grade on the all or nothing scale... either you got the assignment or you didn't.  If you didn't, I will ask you to redo it and then resubmit.  You can still get all your points for that assignment.

Also, the only due date in this class is basically having everything finished by the end of the session.  If you have a bad week and you fall behind, simply get caught up the next week.

Okay, so on the Excel!

You should already have the files for Excel downloaded.

Chapter 1 - Getting Started with Excel 2010
  • Complete pgs. EX-2 through EX - 25.  Go SLOWLY through this chapter.
  • Complete Skills Review 1.2 on pages EX-29 through 33.
  • Complete the Challenge Yourself 2 on pages EX-35 through36.  EMAIL this file to me when completed.

Chapter 2 - Using Formulas and Functions
  • Complete pgs. EX 41 through EX 63.   Again, go SLOWLY through this chapter.
  •  Complete the Skills Review 2.1 and 2.2 on pages EX-64 through EX-69.  EMAIL these completed projects to me when completed.
Chapter 3 - Formatting the Worksheet
  • Complete pages EX 77 through EX-101.
  • Complete the Challenge Yourself 1 on pages EX-109 through 110.  EMAIL me this project when completed.
  • Complete the Challenge Yourself 2 on pages EX-110 through 111.  EMAIL me this project when completed.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, June 6 through Friday, June 10

This week you are going to work on the following assignments for Word Chapters 1-3.

Below these assignments are the PowerPoints for each chapter.  Going through these are optional.  Some students like to simply read through the textbook while other like the more visual effect of a presentation.
  • Word Chapter 1 - complete pages WD-3 through WD-12
  • Word Chapter 2 - Complete pages WD-23 through WD-41
    • Complete the Challenge yourself 1 on pages WD-47 and 48 
      • Email your final document, Staying Active_02, to
  • Word Chapter 3 - complete pages WD-53 through WD-68
    • Complete the Skills Review 3.2 on pages WD-73 through 76.
      • Email your final document, Hear Rate Monitor Training_03, to
    • Complete the Challenge yourself 2 on pages WD-78 through 79
      • Email your final document, Teen Substance Abuse_03, to

Presentations:  (Chapter 1 is being stubborn and doesn't want to load)

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3 - Getting Started with Office 2010

PowerPoint for Introduction to Office 2010
Watch the about presentation for an overview to Chapter 1 - Office 2010.

This text is laid out very simple.  It has short description and then it has you do a few things.
I would like you to use this chapter as a "get to know the textbook" chapter.
Go slow.  Notice all the different parts:  from the perspective of, tips and tricks, tell me more, and try this.
The chapter ends on page OF-22.
There is nothing to turn in.

Probably the easiest way to ask me questions is to call my cell, 620-629-0610.  If I don't answer, please leave your name number and the the page number you are having trouble with so I can grab my book and call you back.

Don't stress over this class.  There will not be any tests.  I simply want to get through as much of the text as possible to get you more proficient in using Office 2010.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 2 - Getting Materials Ready

To get started, you need the following:

    Send me an email once you have these materials ready to go -

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    Summer 2011 Session Course

    First of all, if you don't have access to Microsoft Office 2010, please call me at 620-629-0610 ASAP.

    This is where you will find all your assignments for the course.  Please check often for updates and revisions to the assignments.

    The text we are using for this course is:  Microsoft Office 2010, A Skills Approach, by Manning and Swinson. McGraw Hill Publishing. ISBN:  978 0 07 351647 9

    I will post the first few assignments sometime during the day on June1.

    Again, with this being the summer session, I am not on campus so please call my cell phone at 620-629-0610 with any questions.