Outlook Assignment #1 - Contacts (People)
- Login in to Outlook (Can do with partner if necessary)
- Select 'People' at the bottom of the screen - this is your contacts
- You are going to create 6 new contacts
- Two contacts need to be the names and email addresses of students in the class. The rest can be fictitious names.
- All contacts work for XYZ Contractor
- Refer to pages Outlook 30-31 while completing this assignment
- Take time and practice filling out just as much of the contact card as you have time to
- Now you are going to create a new group titled XYZ Bidding
- Add all 6 of your contacts to this group
Outlook Assignment #2 - Email
- Login in to Outlook
- Utilizing the information on pages Outlook 10-15, complete the following tasks:
- Go to the internet and select a logo that best represents your company ABC Finance Company and save it to your Documents/Pictures folder.
- Create a signature with your name, company name, job title, and the company logo (File/Options/Mail). Select options for the signature line to appear on all new messages, replies and forwards.
- Send an email to one of your contacts (must be one that is in this class) asking for clarification on the bid they (XYZ) submitted on December 5th. Be sure to add me as in the BCC section (mindy.holder@sccc.edu).
- Send an email to the other contact who is in this class, asking for verification of work and mobile numbers. Be sure to add me as in the BCC section (mindy.holder@sccc.edu)
Outlook Assignment #3 - Calendar
- Log in to Outlook
- Go to pg Outlook 48 in text and complete the 3 short activities.
- Screenshot and print these activities and turn them in
- and... that's it!